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Foreign media: The World Bank predicts that global economic growth will hit a seven-year high next year

Release Date: 2017-06-08

  Foreign media said, the world银行If trade growth rebounds from post-crisis lows, that should help push global growth to its fastest pace in nearly seven years next year。

  According to the US "Wall Street Journal" website reported on June 4, but the World Bank said in its report that the recovery of major emerging markets and accelerated expansion of advanced economies could face a number of risks。

The World Bank forecasts that global economic growth in 2018 will slow from 2.7%升至2.9%。steadyBulk commodityPrices are lifting Brazil, Russia, Nigeria and other major emerging markets out of a two-year gloom。Growth in the United States and Europe will also accelerate as many of the most influential economies finally show signs of shaking off the legacy of the global financial crisis。

  The bank says healthier industrial activity, investment andBulk commodityPrices have spurred a resumption of global trade growth, which will grow this year from last year's 2.5% to 4%。

  But it cautioned that downside risks dominate the outlook for global trade。

  Trade war fears are haunting the global economy。Bank economists still believe that the Trump administration's "America First" policy could lead to an escalation of retaliation by the United States, China and other countries to impose high tariffs and other trade barriers on each other。

  "Escalating beggar-thy-neighbor protectionist measures could reverse the trade liberalization that has been a major driver of trade over the past few decades," the bank said。It said the growing scope of trade agreements and the growing number of WTO members contributed nearly one percentage point to global trade growth each year。"Scrapping such trade agreements has the potential to put downward pressure on trade prospects and undermine the effectiveness and vitality of the multilateral trading system," it said。”

  Such an outcome, the bank warns, could lead to knock-on costs for global trade, with widespread losses。

  The bank also said that U.S. President Donald Trump's tax reform plan will boost the economy, but even if faster economic growth is taken into account, it is still likely to widen the budget deficit。The bank estimates that the White House's proposed corporate and personal income tax cuts could cost the United States in two yearsGross domestic product(GDP) by nearly two percentage points in the short term。It now expects U.S. GDP growth in 2018 to slow from 2.1%升至2.2%。

  But the tax cuts are also likely to increase the budget deficit by as much as 2 percent of GDP over the same period.4%。

  According to the British "Financial Times" website reported on June 4, the World Bank said that given the global economic recovery is still fragile, the long-term growth prospects of developing economies are currently weakened by weak investment。